’s story
My husband Yossi and I were in dire financial straits. Our restaurant business has failed and we were in danger of losing our home due to debt. We could barely afford food and clothing for our two children.
When I found out I was pregnant, I was shocked and upset. Yossi said having another child now would drag us down irrevocably. I didn’t see any choice but to have an abortion.
I went to my doctor to make the necessary arrangements and near the entrance to the hospital, saw a sign—an advertisement for EFRAT. The billboard said “A lack of money is not a reason to end a life.” This resonated deeply with me so I called the number on the advertisement. What did I have to lose?
The volunteer who answered the phone reassured me that I’d reached the right place and that EFRAT will help me as much as possible. When I understood the help and support I would receive after the birth, I told Yossi happily we would not need to abort. We no longer felt alone in our difficulties. I knew the new baby would have everything he or she would need.
After my son was born, we received a crib, stroller, baby bath, clothing and two years worth of monthly packages. I want to thank EFRAT from the bottom of my heart for the gifts that you sent. Because of your help, I have my child! There is a small word with enormous meaning—thanks.